Air Quality Inspection
and Radon Testing

A Home Inspection by Dominican Home Inspections will help you make a sound purchasing decision based on accurate, objective information. 

Air Quality and Radon Testing

When buying a home it is important to have it tested for radon gas.  Radon is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas; therefore there is no way to know if you are being exposed to radon unless you have your home tested for it.  Radon gas is a chemical impurity which contaminates air quality.

Radon can be very hazardous to your health.   Radon gas can be easily inhaled.  Studies have shown a higher prevalence in lung cancer within individuals who have inhaled high concentrations of radon gas.   Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer, after cigarette smoking.  It has caused 21,000 lung cancer deaths within the last year according to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.  It is the number one cause of death in individuals who do not smoke according to the assessments from the Environmental Protection Agency.    This is why it is so important for you and your family to have your home tested for radon gas.   We care about your health and safety and want you to feel safe and happy in your home. 

Please give us a call to schedule your radon testing today!  We care about your health and want to make sure your home is a safe environment for you and your family. 

To schedule a Air Quality or Radon test please call or email us: